6 Safe Driving Tips in Houston

Tips for Safer Driving service Information from the service professionals at Archer Volkswagen

We often don't think about just how dangerous driving is. It's become so commonplace that it can be hard to remember that we're sitting in small metal boxes hurtling down hard roads at incredible speed. There's no doubt about it: driving can be dangerous. However, there are many important ways to make sure your daily drive is safer. At Archer Volkswagen, we want you to have important information on all aspects of owning or leasing a VW, and this includes the following six tips for safer driving.

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A person buckles their seat belt

6. Keep Your Vehicle Well Maintained

You've probably heard that regular vehicle maintenance can make your car last longer and save you money in the long run, but did you know that it also makes driving safer? A vehicle that's been properly maintained will be much less likely to have dangerous failures during the drive. This is especially true if you've brought your VW to the dealership for multi-point inspections.

5. Don't Follow Too Closely or Hang Out in Blind Spots

When you're in traffic, it's best not to hang around in another vehicle's blind spot when you can avoid it. Though some modern vehicles have blind spot detection features, most cars on the road do not. Staying in a blind spot means the other driver may not see you and think that they can safely change lanes quickly to avoid an obstacle in the road. This is especially dangerous with semi trucks, which have much larger blind spots.

It's also inadvisable to follow another vehicle too closely. If the driver slams on the brakes, you may not have enough time to respond, and could end up being responsible for an accident. It's best to keep the two-second rule. Find a stationary object and wait for the car in front of you to pass it. Then, count out two seconds (whether you use one-thousands or Mississippis is entirely up to you). If you pass the object before you've counted fully to two, you're too close.

4. Wear Your Seat Belt

Failure to wear a seat belt is more than just ill-advised: it can be fatal. While accidents can certainly cause broken limbs, cracked ribs, and other problems, what you really have to look out for is traumatic brain injuries. The seat belt works in tandem with the airbags to help prevent massive head trauma. Without a seat belt, you may end up smashing your head against the dashboard or flying through the windshield.

3. Never Drive Distracted, Drowsy, or Impaired

Everyone should know by now not to drive drunk, but that doesn't stop people from doing it. You may think that there's a difference between driving buzzed and driving drunk, but there isn't. If you're feeling the effects of alcohol, it's better to be safe and catch a cab or rely on a designated driver. The same goes for other substances, too.

But it's not just intoxicants that can lead to accidents. If you're drowsy, your delayed response time may be similar to that of a drunk person. Pull over and grab a cup of coffee or take a power nap if you feel your eyelids starting to get heavy when you drive. Distracted driving is similarly dangerous, and it's become unfortunately more common. Never text while driving. If it can't wait, find a place to pull over.

A person texts while driving
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2. Obey the Speed Limit

We know, we know: speed limits can be irritating. You're in a rush, or you've hit that one stretch of road that should really be 45 instead of 35. But those limits are there for a reason, and disobeying them could have drastic consequences. In addition to drunk, drowsy, and distracted driving, going over the speed limit is one of the top causes of accidents. We recommend leaving yourself extra time when you need to get somewhere. If you're running late, we still suggest going at the posted speed. After all, it's better to arrive somewhere late than never to arrive at all.

1. Practice Defensive Driving

Defensive driving is more than just a collection of tips: it's an attitude. To best understand it, we'll contrast it with the two most common types of driving. Aggressive drivers cause accidents by not thinking about anyone else on the road; they tend to cut people off, follow too closely, and make rude hand gestures. While most people know that these drivers are dangerous, timid drivers can also cause accidents. By waving people on instead of using their right of way, for example, they could cause confusion at stop signs. Or, failure to properly merge can cause traffic jams and accidents.

Defensive driving aims to hit a middle road. Defensive drivers are not aggressive, but they are assertive. They're cautious, but not timid. Driving defensively means that you should always have an eye on the road and on other cars, so you can adjust your speed, position, and more as needed. Remain calm, even on frustrating drives. Always be aware that, while you may drive safely, others don't always do so. Keeping an eye out for other drivers is a key part of defensive driving.

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