4 Ways To Keep the A/C System in Your Volkswagen Well Maintained in Houston, TX

Things to Know About Vehicle HVAC Maintenance service Information from the service professionals at Archer Volkswagen

There are some places in the country where you could probably get by without functioning air conditioning in your Volkswagen. Houston isn't one of those places. Did you know that the air conditioning in your car also removes humidity from the cabin as well as making sure you stay at a comfortable temperature? Nobody wants to deal with an A/C system that isn't working. To make that less likely, we recommend keeping up with regular air conditioning service and maintenance.

A person adjusts their car air conditioning settings.
A/C recharge machine.

4. Run Your Air Conditioning Regularly

Of course, you'll run the air conditioning in the summer. But even in cooler, less humid months, it's important to still run it. It doesn't have to be constant: just fifteen minutes or so about once a week is all that it should take. This can help prevent a loss of refrigerant, as well as keeping too much condensation from collecting inside the system.

3. Have the Refrigerant Recharged if Necessary

Refrigerant is the fluid that makes your air conditioning system work. Over time, this refrigerant can slowly leak out. Lower refrigerant levels can lead to weaker A/C performance, so a recharge may be needed. While A/C recharge kits are available, we recommend having air conditioning recharge service performed by an authorized service center like ours. Here, certified technicians will be able to recharge your vehicle's AC system correctly and prevent further problems.

2. Replace the Cabin Air Filter

The cabin air filter is a vital part of the HVAC system in your vehicle. It makes sure that dust, debris, particulate, and other contaminants from outside don't get inside the cabin where you'll breathe them. As you can imagine, this filter can get clogged over time. If it goes too long without being replaced, the A/C will have to work harder for lower output, putting greater strain on the system.

A/C compressor
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1. Have the System Inspected Regularly

There are many things that could go wrong with the HVAC system, from a failed compressor to a major refrigerant leak. Having the system inspected regularly is the best way to catch most problems early before they lead to bigger trouble down the road. They say that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and that's certainly the case with your vehicle's AC system!

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