4 Ways To Maintain the Fuel System in Your Volkswagen Car or SUV

Things To Know About Your Car's Fuel System - Service Research Articles from Archer Volkswagen

Without the fuel system, your Volkswagen would have a hard time getting just about anywhere (except perhaps downhill). As such, it makes sense that the fuel system is an important one, and it deserves to be taken care of. In this article, we let you know four important ways that you can keep the fuel system in your VW performing at its best.

A gas pump with three different octane grades

A hand holding fuel injectors while they're still on the rail

4. Use the Right Gas

The gas that you put into your car's tank is vital, so make sure you're using the right stuff. Don't go under the recommended octane rating for your Volkswagen; this could cause engine knock and other problems. E85 should only be used with flex fuel vehicles. And of course, accidentally using diesel would be a huge problem. The good news is that diesel nozzles usually don't fit into gas-powered cars, so this is less likely to happen.

3. Have Your Fuel System Cleaned Regularly

You may have heard of additives that clean the fuel system. You may have even seen them as an option in some gas stations. However, if you're driving a vintage VW, it's a good idea to have the fuel system professionally cleaned. As part of this service, the technicians at an authorized Volkswagen service center will manually clean the fuel injectors to get rid of carbon buildup.

2. Have the Fuel Filter Replaced

Your VW owner's manual will have a schedule that lets you know how often you should have the fuel filter changed. It's a good idea to pay attention to this. The fuel filter does the important job of making sure that nothing but pure gas gets into your engine. As time passes, it may become clogged by the particulate that it's keeping out. This could decrease the performance of the engine.

A gloved hand replaces the gas cap in a vehicle

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1. Keep the Gas Cap in Good Condition

The gas cap is a small and inexpensive component, but it's still very important. If the seal is worn or the cap itself is cracked, it can cause vapors to escape from the gas tank. This can cause the fuel system not to work as well. It can even cause the check engine light to turn on!

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