What Does Check Engine Light Mean?

What to Do When Your Check Engine Light is Flashing: Archer Volkswagen Car Care Tips

Things to Know About a Vehicle with the Check Engine Light On Information at Archer Volkswagen

In virtually all modern cars, the check engine light is a warning indicator that can come on in the dashboard to let you know the engine isn't running quite right. It typically points to a minor issue that means the engine just isn't running as efficiently as it was designed to do.

However, if the check engine light starts to blink or flash, that could be a much bigger problem! Follow these four steps if you see the check engine light flashing in your car. This guide will help you prevent further damage and get a high-quality, long-lasting repair.

Contact the service professionals at Archer Volkswagen in Houston, TX to schedule our check engine light service.

Take your check engine light seriously and call the professionals at Archer Volkswagen

Step 1. Stop Driving the Vehicle as Soon as Possible

When the check engine light starts to flash in your car, it means that there is a severe problem in your car's engine that could be doing damage to the emissions system, including the catalytic converter and even the engine itself. We recommend parking the car as soon as possible to prevent further damage. Once you see the check engine light flash, expensive components like catalytic converters could be ruined entirely if you continue to operate the vehicle.

If the check engine light is merely on in your car, not flashing but steady, you can skip directly to step 3. There's a problem that needs addressing in the engine, but it's not severe and you can still drive the car safely.

Step 2. Schedule a Maintenance Appointment

Getting a check engine light properly diagnosed by dealership experts can seem like a time sink, but trust us: you'll save more time and money in the long run. First, we'll make sure to diagnose the problem correctly. Our service team is factory trained by Volkswagen, and we've got the finest tools and high quality parts to keep your car running like new. Best of all, you can simply schedule your appointment online, and we'll see you at a time that works for you!

The longer you ignore a check engine light, the more damage could be slowly building up in the engine over time. Eventually, this could lead to major damage that could cost thousands to repair, rather than a routine procedure that'll set you back only a fraction of that if we catch problems early.

Get your Volkswagen check engine light inspected by our professional service specialists in Houston, TX

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Step 3. Request Tow Service

With a solid check engine light, there's no harm in driving the car to our service center. However, if the light is blinking, even the distance from your home or office to the Archer VW service department could be enough to damage the engine. Play it safe and get towed to our service department instead. We'll be glad to help arrange a tow with a reputable towing company that we trust and work with all the time. Just give us a call and speak with one of our friendly service advisors.

Click to order parts online at Archer Volkswagen in Houston, TX

Step 4. Get a Quality Repair

So, now you've got the car to the people who know how to fix it best -- we'll take care of the rest. Remember: When you take your VW to local service garages or nationwide chains, they won't be using genuine Volkswagen OEM parts. Their technicians won't be factory-certified experts in Volkswagen engineering. They may even charge you more when you compare to our prices and monthly special offers!

That's why it always pays to trust the dealership pros with your Volkswagen. We'll take the best care of both you and your car at Archer VW! We look forward to the chance to earn your business the next time you need service on your VW.

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9:00 AM - 2:00 PM