4 Reasons Not To Use DIY At-Home AC Recharge Kits: Archer Volkswagen Maintenance Tips

Things to Know About DIY Vehicle AC Charging Maintenance & Repair Information at Archer Volkswagen

When the air from your car's A/C vents isn't blowing cold, you'll need A/C service to get it fixed -- unless, of course, there were something you could buy at the store that'd fix your car's A/C problem quickly and easily. Nowadays, popular products you can snag from the local auto parts store promise just that! They claim to easily let you recharge your car's A/C system without any special tools or knowledge.

However, the techs at Archer Volkswagen want to caution you against using these products in most circumstances. They could even damage your car's A/C system, turning a quick and easy recharge process into a major, expensive repair! We'll tell you more below. If you have any questions, give us a call. One of our knowledgeable service advisors will be glad to help you get the answers you need.

Vents like these ones blow cool air to help keep you comfortable.
Various parts and fittings on your car like these can slowly leak refrigerant.

4. Incompatible With Many Models

Most modern cars are equipped with a type of refrigerant called R-134a, and that's the kind you'll find in the DIY recharging canisters at the local auto parts store. But that might not be the type of refrigerant your car needs! For example, if you own a vintage car from 1994 or older, it probably uses an older type of refrigerant called R-12. And the latest cars from many brands are using the very latest refrigerant type called R-1234yf. What's more, modern hybrid and electric cars feature electric A/C compressors that need a different kind of compressor oil than what you'll find in these DIY products.

Refrigerant types should never be mixed, and your car's A/C system only works with the correct type of refrigerant. Locate the refrigerant type your car needs in your owner's manual, or just ask one of our technicians at the Archer VW service center.

3. Doesn't Fill Leaks

In order to help slow small leaks in your A/C system, DIY A/C recharging kits include some stop leak. This stop leak sealant is supposed to flow to leaks in the system and seal them up. This works for lots of small leaks, but bigger ones will need professional attention. When you get professional A/C service, you'll have a trained technician searching for leaks and making sure the entire system is in good shape. Only then will refrigerant be added to the system, so your A/C keeps working for a good, long time.

2. Doesn't Fix Underlying AC Problems

There are lots of reasons why your car's A/C performance might suffer. You could have a blocked condenser, problems with the cooling fans or blower motor, a damaged A/C compressor -- and that's just a handful of possibilities. If your car's A/C system is working well and just needs new refrigerant, then topping off the system might be all you need. But, if there are any underlying issues in the system, DIY recharge kits won't help you! If you're not sure why your car's A/C system has been underperforming, you'll want a professional to inspect the system to rule out any major A/C issues.

These are the sophisticated gauges needed to properly recharge a car's air conditioning system.
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1. Risk Of Overfilling System

Here's the real issue with these products: they're designed to add the right amount of refrigerant to the system by including a built-in pressure gauge. But refrigerant is measured by weight, not pressure.

During professional A/C service, we'll use special machines and gauges to evacuate any remaining refrigerant and moisture from the system first. Then, we'll add the exact amount of refrigerant recommended by the manufacturer for your model. It'll be like your car's A/C system just rolled off the assembly line!

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When you use DIY recharging products, there's no way of knowing how much refrigerant is still in your car's system, which means you could accidentally overcharge the system. This can cause serious damage to your car's A/C system! Now, instead of a simple procedure to recharge it, you might need a major repair to the A/C compressor.

Avoid the risk and trust your car to the pros who know it best! Visit Archer VW to get service for your car's A/C system.

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