Does Your Volkswagen Have an Oil Leak? Look Out for These 5 Symptoms

Things to Know if Your Car is Leaking Oil service Information from the service professionals at Archer Volkswagen

Because of how important oil is in keeping your engine functioning, an oil leak is a problem that should be taken seriously and addressed immediately. For this reason, it's good to know what the symptoms of an oil leak are--including some less common symptoms. Below, we've listed five common signs that your VW might be leaking oil and is in need of attention. If you see any of them, we recommend scheduling a service appointment right away to avoid engine damage. Adding more oil can sometimes work as a temporary solution,

Oil puddle under car
Person checking oil dipstick

5. Oil Puddles Under Your Car

This is the classic sign that just about everyone knows to look for: a puddle of dark brown or black fluid under your car's engine, often with a rainbow sheen. This often indicates that there's a leak in the oil pan, since this is where the oil settles when the engine is turned off. But there are many other places in the engine where oil could leak--and not all of these leaks make puddles under the vehicle, since the oil is only leaking when the vehicle is running. That's why it's important to keep an eye out for the following four signs.

4. Low Oil Levels

Do you check your oil levels regularly? If not, it's a habit you should get into. Ideally, we recommend checking your oil levels every time you fill your car up with gas. Remove the dipstick and wipe it down. Then, re-insert it and remove it again. If the oil level is above the "minimum" line, you're still good. But if you're low on oil, it could be indicative of a leak.

3. Milky-Looking Oil

While you're checking the oil, be sure to take a look at its appearance. Is it dark and somewhat transparent? If so, that's a good sign. But if it's paler and more opaque--especially if there's a frothy texture--it could mean that oil and coolant are leaking together due to a blown head gasket.

Oil light
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2. Blue Smoke Coming from Your Vehicle's Tailpipe

If you notice smoke coming from your vehicle's tailpipe, it's always best to have the car inspected right away. If you notice that the smoke appears to be blue-tinged, you can keep in mind that it's likely due to an oil leak. In this case, the seals that keep the oil out of the combustion chambers may have become worn or cracked, allowing oil to seep through into the cylinders. If enough oil gets in the cylinders, it can create blue exhaust smoke as it's burned up in the engine.

1. Dashboard Oil Pressure Light

Sometimes your Volkswagen will simply tell you if your oil levels are lower than they should be. The oil pressure light means that the oil pressure is low; this is often caused by low oil levels, indicating a serious leak. If this light turns on while you're driving, pull over and shut off the engine as soon as you can.

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