5 Reasons Quick-Lube Franchise Oil Change Places Can't Match the Dealership

Things to Know About Franchise Oil Change Places service Information from the service professionals at Archer Volkswagen

Oil changes may not always be convenient, but they are necessary to keep your Volkswagen in good working condition. When the time for your next oil change comes, it may be tempting to simply find the nearest franchise oil change place and have them take care of the service. However, that's not always the best choice. On this page, you'll find five reasons why quick-lube places simply can't match what the dealership offers. It's just one of the many ways we help you learn more about the service and maintenance your Volkswagen needs.

Person's hand pulling an oil dipstick from the engine.
Oil filter with gaskets

4. Aftermarket Parts

Your Volkswagen is the product of precision German engineering, which means that OEM parts are always the best. This applies to parts like the oil filter, a necessary component in an oil change. When you bring your car to a franchise oil place, you'll likely be getting aftermarket oil filters. Not only does the dealership have OEM filters, but you'll also be sure to get the exact oil type and weight that has been recommended for your VW.

3. Not Always as Reputable

There are certainly franchise oil places that are reputable. However, that isn't always the case. For one thing, the people changing the oil at a quick-lube place likely don't have much or any VW-specific experience. The folks at the dealership, on the other hand, work on Volkswagen models every day. Furthermore, some franchise places have been found to be less than honest about what their customers are getting for the money. In our authorized VW service center at Archer Volkswagen, we'd like to show you a higher level of integrity.

2. Not Always Faster Than the Dealership

Quick-lube oil change places have a reputation for speed. It's right there in the name, after all! But did you know that the dealership can often be just as fast at oil changes? Contrary to popular belief, many dealerships like Archer Volkswagen offer quick, appointment-free service for things like oil changes. You won't have to call and set an appointment; simply bring your vehicle by and let our dedicated staff take care of it.

A service center.
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1. Not Always Cheaper Than the Dealership

Franchise oil change places are also known for low prices. However, the dealership offers competitive pricing. Depending on where you're thinking of going, you might find that an oil change at Archer Volkswagen actually costs less! When you consider all that you're getting for a similar price, the dealership is the natural choice.

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