5 Signs Your Radiator Needs To Be Replaced, Explained By The Experts At Archer Volkswagen In Houston

Things to Know About Vehicle Radiator Replacement service Information from the service professionals at Archer Volkswagen

Do you ever stop to think that the engine in a gasoline-fueled car is powered by hundreds of explosions per second? Pretty wild, right? As you can imagine, all those detonations generate a ton of heat. That means a modern engine needs a liquid-based cooling system to draw excess heat away from the engine. To dissipate that heat, engine coolant flows to the radiator. The radiator is typically located right behind the vehicle's front grille, so air can pass over it and pull heat from the system as you drive.

Eventually, you might need to replace your radiator, or have another repair carried out on your cooling system. Here are five signs that your radiator is going bad. Head to Archer Volkswagen for expert VW service the next time your car starts getting a little hot-headed.

Front-End Collision
Overheating Engine

5. You've Been In A Front-End Collision

Because of its location right behind your vehicle's front grille, the radiator is frequently a casualty in moderate front-end collisions. If you happen to hit another car or obstacle, don't be surprised to find that you need a new radiator installed. This component can easily be damaged not just because of its location but also because it's not made to take an impact -- it's a system of thin metal fins that allow for good airflow, but they aren't exactly strong enough to withstand hitting a light pole or somebody's rear bumper.

4. Your Engine Is Overheating

The radiator is a crucial part of your vehicle's cooling system. If your engine is running hot, the radiator is one part we'll take a closer look at when you visit the Archer VW service center for a diagnostic. Remember: it's not wise to continue driving a vehicle with an overheating engine. Engines operating too hot can quickly sustain show-stopping damage. You might need new piston rings, new valves or simply a whole new engine!

Your vehicle's radiator can fail in a variety of ways -- including one that just might surprise you.

3. Your Cooling System Isn't Properly Pressurized

Even the radiator cap has an important job to do! The radiator cap is designed to maintain the proper pressure in the cooling system. Over time, the seal inside this radiator cap can degrade and prevent the system from maintaining pressure. If your engine is running hot and a diagnostic confirms that the system isn't properly pressurized, you may not have to replace the whole radiator -- just the cap. As you can imagine, this is a much faster and easier repair!

Low Coolant Warning
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2. You've Got A Coolant Leak At The Front Of Your Vehicle

Is the level of coolant too low in your vehicle's cooling system? That could be due to a coolant leak. Many different components could potentially leak, but the radiator is often the source of these leaks. And since it's located at the very front of your car, sometimes peering under the vehicle and finding a puddle formed there can indicate a leaky radiator. If your radiator is leaking, it might be able to be repaired, but replacement could be necessary.

1. Your Radiator Has Become Clogged Or Rusty

Even if the radiator isn't leaking or visibly damaged, it could become clogged inside, preventing the proper flow of coolant that keeps your engine at a safe operating temperature. Rust and mineral scaling can build up inside your radiator over time. If there's nothing else visibly wrong with your cooling system, this could be the source of your vehicle's cooling woes.

To have your vehicle's radiator replaced with a quality OEM replacement, head to Archer Volkswagen. Our friendly service technicians are certified VW experts!

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