4 Things To Know About Oil Life Monitors

Things to Know About Vehicle Oil Life Monitors service Information from the service professionals at Archer Volkswagen

It's hard to overstate the importance of oil in your vehicle's engine, which is why regular oil changes are important. In order to give you a more accurate idea of when oil changes may be needed, many vehicles include oil life monitors. In fact, a large number of Volkswagen models are equipped with OLMs. Just what are these monitors? We'll take a closer look here so that you can better know how to care for your Volkswagen.

Oil pressure warning light
Oil life monitor

4. What Is the Difference Between an Oil Life Monitor and an Oil Warning Light?

This is an important place to begin: the oil life monitor should not be confused with the oil warning light. An OLM will generally use words like "Change Oil Now" to tell you that your VW will need an oil change soon, while an oil pressure warning light is a pictogram that looks like an old-fashioned oil can or a genie's lamp. The oil warning light is much more serious. Rather than telling you that the oil will need to be changed, it's actually telling you that the oil pressure in your VW is dangerously low. To prevent damage to the engine, you should pull over and shut off the engine as soon as possible if the oil pressure warning light comes on.

3. How Do Oil Life Monitors Work?

Different manufacturers have different types of oil life monitors. At the most basic level, the monitor does nothing more than count the miles traveled since the last oil change. While the OLMs used by Volkswagen do take mileage into account, there are two other measurements that figure into it. The VW OLM measures both the oil levels and the oil's temperature. It takes these measurements in the crankcase while the engine is running and sends them to the vehicle's computer, which uses an algorithm based on these three pieces of data to figure out when your oil will need to be changed.

2. How Trustworthy Are Oil Life Monitors?

The OLM inside your Volkswagen is trustworthy, but it shouldn't be taken as an absolute. There are several things the oil life monitor can't keep track of, including the quality of oil, the driving conditions you experience, and whether you're towing anything. Variables like these can affect how quickly oil breaks down in your engine. This means that the OLM is a great guideline, but it may not give you all the information you need.

Person checking oil
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1. Do I Still Need an Oil Change Every 3,000 Miles, Even if the OLM Doesn't Say So?

While VW oil life monitors can be valuable tools, they can also give a false sense of security. As we mentioned above, there are many things that can make more frequent oil changes necessary, and the OLM doesn't always take these into account. The good news is that most modern VW models use synthetic oil, so you don't necessarily have to stick to the old 3,000-mile rule. However, it's a good idea to change synthetic oil every 5,000 miles or so, regardless of whether or not your oil life monitor tells you an oil change is necessary. To get an even better idea of your ideal oil change schedule, talk to a certified VW technician.

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