4 Things To Know About Car Alignment Service, From The Experts At Archer Volkswagen In Houston

Reasons Why Alignment is Important Information from the service professionals at Archer Volkswagen

When the conditions are just right for a rare event, you might say that "the stars are aligned." Luckily, when you drive a German-engineered Volkswagen, getting an enjoyable ride doesn't require an alignment of the heavenly bodies. It just means getting some routine maintenance if your car ever comes out of alignment.

Getting alignment service is fast and easy at Archer VW! We'll tell you on this page four things you should know about your car, and why you might need alignment service from time to time. Have additional questions? Just give us a call.

Front Wheel Steering
Alignment Machine

4. Your Front Wheels Aren't Precisely Parallel

You might imagine that your front wheels, when the steering wheel is at dead center, are perfectly parallel with one another and with the direction of the vehicle's travel. But it's not that simple. A car set up this way wouldn't handle right when turning. Instead, the wheels are minutely adjusted so that the vehicle stays stable. Every vehicle has unique settings for the wheel camber, caster and toe that make the vehicle drive properly. For example, all passenger cars have a toe-in setting for the front wheels to increase stability. To better visualize what we mean, take a look at your feet. Stand with your feet parallel, then turn your feet so your toes are pointed slightly inward. This is how your vehicle's front wheels are correctly aligned!

When you get an alignment service, the suspension and steering systems are returned to these factory settings. So, why is this service necessary?

3. The Alignment Of Your Wheels Shifts Over Time

If you're involved in a front-end collision, you hit a pothole or jump a curb, that significant event can throw your vehicle's alignment out of whack. But you don't need a major event to cause your vehicle to come out of alignment. Over time, the day-to-day stresses of driving will cause your car to come out of alignment eventually.

If you do hit a pothole or other obstruction, how will you know if you're in need of alignment service?

2. How Poor Alignment Affects Ride Quality & Performance

If your vehicle is misaligned, you may notice significant pulling as you drive -- the vehicle may seem to "want" to turn to the right or left were you to let go of the wheel. You might also find that, in order to get the vehicle to track straight, the steering wheel needs to be turned to one side. But there's one more feature of your vehicle's alignment that you probably haven't considered.

When you complete a turn, the steering wheel naturally returns to its center position. This is due to the vehicle's wheel caster settings. If your vehicle's alignment is off, the steering wheel may not return to its dead-center position on its own after completing a turn. If you experience any of these signs of poor alignment, head to Archer Volkswagen so we can save you money and prevent additional tire wear.

Measuring Tire Wear
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1. Poor Alignment Leads To Faster Tire Wear

When your vehicle is properly aligned, wear is spread across the entire surface of the tire. As your alignment comes out of true, it'll prevent your tires from making proper contact with the road. As a result, you might find your tires begin wearing excessively on one side, or sustaining wear in patches known as "cupping." This is yet another tell-tale sign that your car needs an alignment service.

A proper alignment service typically can't be done with ordinary hand tools alone. At Archer Volkswagen, we use a sophisticated alignment rig that lets us set the alignment to extremely specific tolerances. If your car isn't giving you the handling and steering wheel return you expect, speak with one of our technicians about alignment service for your vehicle.

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