5 Ways To Prepare for a Road Trip

Ways to Prepare Your Vehicle for a Long Road Trip service Information from the service professionals at Archer Volkswagen

Road trips are a huge part of American culture, and it's easy to see why. There's something special about piling into the family car and taking off on a cross-state or cross-country journey. But road trips also have their fair share of perils and pitfalls, which means that it's best to be ready beforehand. On this page, we'll take you through five important steps to consider before taking your next family trip.

Toy car on a map
Car traveling on snow-covered road

5. Make a List Beforehand

It seems inevitable: you're three hours away from home on the way to Grandma's house when one of the kids remembers that they left their favorite stuffed animal (the one they can't go to sleep without) at home. Or you're traveling for a wedding, only to realize that you left your suit hanging up in the hall closet. While we can't claim that we have a surefire way to stop this from happening entirely, there is a way to make it less likely. Several days before your trip starts, begin writing a list of everything you need. If you remember anything else in the coming days, add it to the list. Then, check off all items as you pack them.

4. Research the Area You're Traveling To

Chances are you probably know what kind of weather and driving conditions you may face in and around Houston. But if your road trip takes you farther abroad, you could be met with unexpected conditions. Travel west or northwest in the summer and you may find that the air is a lot drier than you're used to. Drive far enough in wintertime and you might find yourself having to navigate a blizzard. Whatever conditions you're likely to find, prepare for them by doing things like packing extra water and getting the right kind of tires. Wherever you're going, it's best to bring along an emergency first aid kit, as well as items like jumper cables.

3. Stock Up on Essential Items

Whether you're traveling alone or with others, it's better to pack extra than it is to not pack enough. For a road trip, food and beverages are always a good idea to have. If you're traveling with others--especially kids--entertainment is also vital. Of course, there are other things to stock up on, as well. Trash bags are handy for empty drink containers and food wrappers, and paper towels and wet wipes are good to have on hand in case of any accidental spills.

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2. Get an Inspection

Before you head out on a road trip, it's best to make sure that your car is in good condition. An inspection at an authorized service center is the best way to do this. The technicians will take a close look at your vehicle, checking things like brakes, suspension, fluids, and more. If they see anything that's amiss, they'll let you know so that you can take care of it. It's much better to get service or repairs performed before something becomes a problem, especially if you're planning to spend time on the road!

1. Enjoy the Journey

When you're taking a road trip, there's lots of preparation that's needed. Our final recommendation may not be a way to prepare, but it's well worth remembering. Road trips create memories that last a lifetime, and your mental state when you take a road trip will largely determine how you remember it. Drive safely and enjoy getting to see parts of the state--and the country--that aren't part of your usual routine. It's about the journey just as much as the destination.

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